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Innovative Environmental and Radioactivity Measurement Technologies Awarded at the Silesian Innovator 2024 Gala

Innovative Environmental and Radioactivity Measurement Technologies Awarded at the Silesian Innovator 2024 Gala

We are proud to announce that Researchers from the Silesian University of Technology received a total of three awards in various categories for developing groundbreaking technological and scientific solutions. One of the projects, awarded with a Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowska Metropolia Chairperson’s Special Award for Innovative Technologies in the Field of Environmental and Radioactivity Measurements, was recognised for solutions developed at the SUT and commercialised by its spin-out company, MiDose Solutions. The success of the project was possible thanks to our team of dedicated scientists, doctoral students, and students from the Institute of Physics at the Silesian University of Technology.

The Silesian University of Technology has once again proven to be a leader in innovation, significantly contributing to the development of technology and science in Silesia and throughout Poland.