μDOSE System

μDOSE is a compact system designed for measuring alpha and beta radiation and assessing the dose rate of ionising radiation in sediment and ceramic samples.
μDOSE is a compact system for assessment of ionising radiation’s dose rate in sediment and ceramic samples. The system is equipped with a unique dual scintillator which allows simultaneous measurement of α and β particles, their separation and quantification. In contrast to conventional α pair counting, the scintillator can be reused extensively, offering practically cost-free maintenance compared with the other α and β counting systems.
μDOSE offers a great alternative to conventional gamma spectroscopy for dose rate assessment of sediments and ceramic samples in luminescence dating, without the costly liquid nitrogen cooling.
Key advantages of the μDOSE System:
- Small sample mass, down to ca. 0.5 g;
- Compact size: W 22 cm × L 22 cm × H 34 cm, M 12 kg; the system easily fits a desk;
- Scintillator requires no replacement;
- Combined α and β counting allows determining potassium contents along thorium and uranium;
- Decay pairs detection: 220Rn/216Po, 219Rn/215Po, 212Bi/212Po and 214Bi/214Po;
- Multiple systems can be connected to a single PC;
- Both scintillator and photomultiplier sizes can be adjusted based on application requirements;
- Measurement time for most applications of 1-2 days (dependent on the sample size and radioactivity);
- Comprehensive software enables dose rate calculations taking into account varying conditions;
- Detailed reports are generated to accelerate the process of dose rate calculation;
- No running costs connected with use of materials;
- Guaranteed assistance with installation and operation of the system.
The system’s operating principal is the measurement of the amplitude of each individual pulse, the pulse shape and the time interval between subsequent pulses.
This is achieved thanks to the built-in pulse analyzer that identifies and records subsequent pulses, giving information about gross α and β counts detected.
Moreover, the pulse analyzer allows to detect decay pairs arising from the decays of: 220Rn/216Po, 219Rn/215Po, 212Bi/212Po and 214Bi/214Po. Decay pairs and α and β particle count rates are used to quantify 238U, 235U and 232Th decay chains. The excess β count rate that cannot be attributed to these decay series is used to estimate the 40K radioactivity.
The principle of operation is described in more detail in the R&D section. Read here
μDose System

Annual dose rate module for OSL/TL/EPR dating
The μDOSE system is supplied with easy-to-use software for radiation dose rate calculation. The α, β and γ dose rates are obtained with high precision thanks to the built-in Monte Carlo and probabilistic modules, taking full advantage of the statistical properties of the measurements performed by the instrument. This means that dose rate uncertainty and counting time is significantly enhanced. Read here
The built-in dose rate module allows to account for all the factors described in literature, like α particle effectiveness (expressed by the a-value), grain sizes, chemical etching, water content, relative sample position in the investigated profile and cosmic dose rate. These corrections are needed to obtain reliable annual dose rates in trapped charge dating.
Depending on specific user needs, measurement time can span from 24 hours up for samples of typical radioactivities to 48 hours for low-level radioactivity samples.
μDOSE software
Each μDOSE system is delivered with a dedicated PC that has pre-installed software for measurements and data analysis. Software allows for conducting measurements, calibrations of 238U, 235U, 232Th decay chains and 40K and dose rate calculations easily and quickly, utilizing its intuitive graphical interface. Moreover, for the user’s convenience, the input data are pre-filled with the most recently obtained values. This greatly simplifies and speeds up the dose rate calculation procedure.
Due to strong radioactive sources installed in TL/OSL readers it is advised not to operate the μDOSE system in the same laboratory room or to provide sufficient distance between the μDOSE system and TL/OSL readers. Sample preparation for the μDOSE system requires balance with 0.001 g precision and a ball-mill. Other materials and consumables are provided with each μDOSE system.
System description
Dose rate module