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Case Studies

New Study Unravels Middle Bronze Age Farming Techniques in Germany’s Western Allgäu

New Study Unravels Middle Bronze Age Farming Techniques in Germany’s Western Allgäu A recent study has provided fascinating insights into the subsistence farming practices of the Middle Bronze Age (MBA) in SW-Germany’s Western Allgäu region. Utilizing a multidisciplinary approach, the research team combined archaeological evidence with sedimentary and biogeochemical analysis to reconstruct the ancient farming activities in this historically significant area. The research focused on multi-layered colluvial and alluvial deposits near MBA settlements. These deposits were dated using optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) techniques and AMS radiocarbon measurements of charcoal, providing a detailed chronostratigraphic framework. The study revealed phases of deposition…

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μRate Try μRate free dose rate calculator for trapped charge dating It takes into account all corrections described in the literature, allows storing results, recalculating…

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µDose performance report

µDose performance report In order to determine the µDose System performance precisely, the results obtained with µDose measurements were compared with other, well-established methods of…

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