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Case Studies

New Method Speeds Up Dating of Thar Desert Dunes

New Method Speeds Up Dating of Thar Desert Dunes In a recent study, Nitundil et al. (2023) are exploring the potential of an innovative technique to rapidly estimate the age of dunes in India’s Thar Desert, significantly speeding up the process. The study primarily utilized a portable optically stimulated luminescence (POSL) reader, drastically reducing the analysis time to around 5 minutes per sample. The findings indicate an eastward movement of the dunes, with the eastern sides being younger and accumulating sand at a faster rate. This new method not only provides a faster way to study the desert’s shifting landscape…

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μRate Try μRate free dose rate calculator for trapped charge dating It takes into account all corrections described in the literature, allows storing results, recalculating…

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µDose performance report

µDose performance report In order to determine the µDose System performance precisely, the results obtained with µDose measurements were compared with other, well-established methods of…

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