µDose system application in OSL dating for establishing land use practices in the Middle Bronze Age
µDose system application in OSL dating for establishing land use practices in the Middle Bronze Age
A reconstruction of land use practices that were performed in the Middle Bronze Age in north-western Alpine foreland was conducted by Scherer et al., (2021). It includes a reconstruction of the colluvial deposition phases obtained through OSL and AMS C-14 dating of the deposits and archaeological data. For OSL dating isotope dose rates (U-238, Th-232, K-40) were established using thick source alpha-counting and the µDose System.
Scherer, S., Höpfer, B., Deckers, K., Fischer, E., Fuchs, M., Kandeler, E., … Kühn, P. (2021). Middle Bronze Age land use practices in the northwestern Alpine foreland – a multi-proxy study of colluvial deposits, archaeological features and peat bogs. SOIL, 7(1), 269–304. https://doi.org/10.5194/soil-7-269-2021
(by J. Rocznik)