

Try μRate free dose rate calculator for trapped charge dating

It takes into account all corrections described in the literature, allows storing results, recalculating the dose rate for different assumptions and much more. 

It can be used anonymously as well! 

Described in Archaeometry https://doi.org/10.1111/arcm.12828


miDose Solutions is in Colorado!

miDose Solutions is in Colorado!

We are happy to announce that we are present at the New World Luminescence Dating Workshop (NWLDW) in Palisade, Colorado. You’ll be able to find us at our stand at the NWLDW where we’ll gladly answer any questions that you may have about our company and our services. We’ll also be demonstrating how the μDose System works and its advantages. We hope to speak to you!

The NWLDW takes place between 13th and 16th October.

(by J. Rocznik)