µDose system application in OSL dating for establishing land use practices in the Middle Bronze Age

µDose system application in OSL dating for establishing land use practices in the Middle Bronze Age

A reconstruction of land use practices that were performed in the Middle Bronze Age in north-western Alpine foreland was conducted by Scherer et al., (2021). It includes a reconstruction of the colluvial deposition phases obtained through OSL and AMS C-14 dating of the deposits and archaeological data. For OSL dating isotope dose rates (U-238, Th-232, K-40) were established using thick source alpha-counting and the µDose System.

Scherer, S., Höpfer, B., Deckers, K., Fischer, E., Fuchs, M., Kandeler, E., … Kühn, P. (2021). Middle Bronze Age land use practices in the northwestern Alpine foreland – a multi-proxy study of colluvial deposits, archaeological features and peat bogs. SOIL, 7(1), 269–304. https://doi.org/10.5194/soil-7-269-2021

(by J. Rocznik)

Application of Cs-137, Pb-210 and dendrochronology dating for erosion-sedimentation event study

Application of Cs-137, Pb-210 and dendrochronology dating for erosion-sedimentation event study

In order to better reconstruct erosion-sedimentation events in loess gully system in southern Poland, a combination of 137Cs, 210Pb (HRGS; γBeaker) and dendrochronology dating was performed by Malik et al., (2021) for 136 soil samples and 63 root and tree samples collected from 8 research profiles. The comparison of the results from both isotopic methods provided an approximate age and erosion type for soil samples; dendrochronology, however, allowed for soil degradation event assessment.

Malik I, Poręba G, Wistuba M and Woskowicz‐Ślęzak B, 2021, Combining 137Cs
, 210Pb and dendrochronology for improved reconstruction of erosion–sedimentation events in a loess gully system (southern Poland). Land Degradation & Development 32(7): 2336–2350, DOI: 10.1002/ldr.3903.

(by J. Rocznik)

Assessment of Late glacial and Holocene aeolian sediments, related to the Last Glacial maximum, in western-central Poland

Assessment of Late glacial and Holocene aeolian sediments, related to the Last Glacial maximum, in western-central Poland

Analysis of Late glacial and Holocene samples obtained by Moska et al., (2021) from 3 representative profiles located in western-central Poland was performed to establish their regional stratigraphical and paleoenvironmental significance. The paper provides results for sedimentological, geomorphological and absolute dating methods; OSL sediment dating (SAR protocol + µDose system) provided 31 dates and AMS 14C dating – 7 dates. Correlating the results with reference to Greenland ice-core chronology allowed for determination of the types and origins of sediment presence on sites.

Piotr Moska, Robert J. Sokołowski, Zdzisław Jary, Paweł Zieliński, Jerzy Raczyk, Agnieszka Szymak, Marcin Krawczyk, Jacek Skurzyński, Grzegorz Poręba, Michał Łopuch, Konrad Tudyka,
Stratigraphy of the Late Glacial and Holocene aeolian series in different sedimentary zones related to the Last Glacial maximum in Poland, Quaternary International, 2021, doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2021.04.004.

µDose performance report

µDose performance report

In order to determine the µDose System performance precisely, the results obtained with µDose measurements were compared with other, well-established methods of low-level radioactivity assessment (i.e. TSAC, ICP-OES, HRGS). This research was conducted with the cooperation of five European laboratories and involved measuring a total of 47 sediment samples, including the IAEA reference materials. Read preprint https://doi.org/10.5194/gchron-4-1-2022

Investigation on the impact of 222Ra emanation from reference materials and how it influences HRGS measurements with γBEAKERS

Investigation on the impact of 222Ra emanation from reference materials and how it influences HRGS measurements with γBEAKERS

Radon-222 emanation ratios were measured in several IAEA reference materials; for IAEA-RGU-1 emanation ratio was found to be very low (ca. 2.2%) and for IAEA-385, IAEA-375, IAEA-434, IAEA-448 this value was much higher (4%-35%). This analysis was conducted for samples encased in γBEAKERS and immersed in clean wax, and the data for both was compared. Read more https://doi.org/10.1016/j.measurement.2021.109893

Rare rhinoceroses of the genus Stephanorhinus, palaeoenvironmental evolution and Quaternary palaeolakes study

Rare rhinoceroses of the genus Stephanorhinus, palaeoenvironmental evolution and Quaternary palaeolakes study by Sobczyk et al., (2020) in Journal of Quaternary Science

Sobczyk, A., Borówka, R.K., Badura, J., Stachowicz-Rybka, R., … , Stefaniak, K., 2020. Geology, stratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental evolution of the Stephanorhinus kirchbergensis-bearing Quaternary palaeolake(s) of Gorzów Wielkopolski (NW Poland, Central Europe). Journal of Quaternary Science 35, 539–558. https://doi.org/10.1002/jqs.3198

γBEAKERs used for more accurate supported and unsupported 210Pb measurements

γBEAKERs used for more accurate supported and unsupported 210Pb measurements with high resolution gamma spectrometry (Malik et al., 2021).

Malik, I., Poręba, G., Wistuba, M., Woskowicz‐Ślęzak, B., 2021. Combining 137Cs,  210Pb  and dendrochronology for improved reconstruction of erosion–sedimentation events in a loess gully system (southern Poland). Land Degrad Dev 32, 2336–2350. https://doi.org/10.1002/ldr.3903

Dune formation in the Younger Dryas

Dune formation in the Younger Dryas, Allerød warm phase record in well-dated palaeosol and climate minimum at the Late Pleniglacial (24−17 ka) record deciphered from sediments at the Niemodlin Plateau, SW Poland.

Moska, P., Jary, Z., Sokołowski, R.J., Poręba, G., …. , Ryzner, K., 2020. Chronostratigraphy of Late Glacial aeolian activity in SW Poland – A case study from the Niemodlin Plateau. Geochronometria 47, 124–137. https://doi.org/10.2478/geochr-2020-0015

Notes on μDOSE system application in trapped charge dating by Moska (2019) in Quaternary International and Zöller and Schmidt (2020) in the Bunsen-Magazin

Notes on μDOSE system application in trapped charge dating by Moska (2019) in Quaternary International and Zöller and Schmidt (2020) in the Bunsen-Magazin

Marks, L., Bińka, K., Woronko, B., Majecka, A., Teodorski, A., 2019. Revision of the late Middle Pleistocene stratigraphy and palaeoclimate in Poland.

Quaternary International 534, 5–17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2019.02.023 Zöller, L., Schmidt, C., 2020. Lumineszenzdatierung braucht Low Level-Radiochemie. Bunsen-Magazin 22, 80–94.

Filling palaeoclimatic gaps in the Late Middle Pleistocene

Filling palaeoclimatic gaps in the Late Middle Pleistocene

Dating was supported with dose rates provided by the μDOSE system.

Read detail in Marks et al. (2019). Marks, L., Bińka, K., Woronko, B., Majecka, A., Teodorski, A., 2019. Revision of the late Middle Pleistocene stratigraphy and palaeoclimate in Poland. Quaternary International 534, 5–17. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2019.02.023