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Application of Cs-137, Pb-210 and dendrochronology dating for erosion-sedimentation event study

Application of Cs-137, Pb-210 and dendrochronology dating for erosion-sedimentation event study

In order to better reconstruct erosion-sedimentation events in loess gully system in southern Poland, a combination of 137Cs, 210Pb (HRGS; γBeaker) and dendrochronology dating was performed by Malik et al., (2021) for 136 soil samples and 63 root and tree samples collected from 8 research profiles. The comparison of the results from both isotopic methods provided an approximate age and erosion type for soil samples; dendrochronology, however, allowed for soil degradation event assessment.

Malik I, Poręba G, Wistuba M and Woskowicz‐Ślęzak B, 2021, Combining 137Cs
, 210Pb and dendrochronology for improved reconstruction of erosion–sedimentation events in a loess gully system (southern Poland). Land Degradation & Development 32(7): 2336–2350, DOI: 10.1002/ldr.3903.

(by J. Rocznik)