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New Publication Utilizes μDose Measurements to Study Archaeological Site in Idaho

New Publication Utilizes μDose Measurements to Study Archaeological Site in Idaho

Scenic view of the Lochsa River in the Clearwater Forest of Idaho (United States) This photo was provided by and used with permission of the Idaho Travel Council ([1]) Please credit the Idaho Travel Council when used (licensed under CC BY 2.5)

Researchers have published preliminary findings from their reinvestigation of the Kelly Forks Work Center Site (10CW34), an archaeological site located on the North Fork Clearwater River in the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest, Idaho. The site, which dates back to the late Pleistocene to late Holocene period, was previously thought to contain components associated with the Western Stemmed Tradition.

The researchers utilized μDose for assessing dose rates for trapped charge dating. This allowed to assess the stratigraphy and geochronology of the site, as well as to study traditional Nez Perce use of the Clearwater River drainage. Their findings provide new insights into the site’s history and cultural significance.

Further research is needed to fully uncover the site’s potential and deepen our understanding of the region’s prehistoric human activity.

Justin A. Holcomb, Aayush Srivastava, Timothy C. Kinnaird & John C. Blong (2023) Revisiting Kelly Forks (10CW34): Current and Future Research at a Western Stemmed Tradition Occupation in the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forest, Idaho, USA, PaleoAmerica, 9:1, 76-80, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/20555563.2023.2171745